Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. We are committed to protecting your privacy and honouring the integrity of your personal information. This privacy statement lets you know how Storypunk promise to look after your personal information. This includes what personal data Storypunk collects from you through our interactions with you,
how we use that data, your rights and how the law protects you.

Personal information we collect

Here is a general list of all the ways that we may use your personal information:

Marketing and Promotional Activity

We may process Personal Data to create and manage guest lists for live shows, send you further information on our sponsors or conduct surveys and focus groups

General Enquiries

We may process Personal Data to be efficient with how we fulfil our duties (legal, contractual or otherwise), answer queries and respond to complaints.

How the law protects your personal information

As well as our commitment to protect your personal information, your privacy is also protected by law. Data protection laws provide that we must handle your personal information in a fair, transparent and lawful way. We promise to always let you know when we collect personal information from you and for what purpose we are doing so. When we have a business or commercial reason of our own to use your personal information, this is called a ‘legitimate interest’.

When we rely on legitimate interests to process your personal data we will always tell you what they are.

You have rights to your personal data. To meet our obligations under the law and uphold your rights as data subjects, we will:

  • Provide clear information about the collection and use of your personal information including any third-parties with whom we share it
  • Provide access to any personal information we hold in an easily accessible format
  • Ensure any inaccurate or incomplete personal information about you can be rectified allow you to object to or restrict processing of personal information where you feel there are grounds to do so
  • Ensure deletion of personal data when there are no longer legal grounds to retain it
  • Please note that in some circumstances, there may be a legal reason that entitles us to keep and use your personal information for the purposes originally made known to you.